Adult / Couple
During our April FF session we discussed the richness of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. A prayer we share is the Kyrie, Eleison which is the only Greek prayer remaining in our Liturgies. Pray with this musical setting of this prayer for mercy: Kyrie, Eleison - Lord, have mercy; Christe, Eleison - Christ, have mercy.

Icons are a form of Eastern Orthodox art - images of the Holy and holy ones that tell a story of some aspect of our faith and draw us in to that scene or story.
During our April FF session we studied this icon of the Entry into Jerusalem. Take a close look at this icon. There are many details that might at first escape your observation.
Reflect on the following questions:
What do you observe in this scene?
What are the details that reveal the story?
Put yourself in the scene:
Where would you be?
Who would you be?
To help you "unpack" this story:
During our April FF session we studied this icon of the Entry into Jerusalem. Take a close look at this icon. There are many details that might at first escape your observation.
Reflect on the following questions:
What do you observe in this scene?
What are the details that reveal the story?
Put yourself in the scene:
Where would you be?
Who would you be?
To help you "unpack" this story:
- To the left – Mount of Olives
- To the right – the City of Jerusalem
- Center – Jesus on a donkey (an animal of peace. The Jews expected a conquering, war-like Messiah.
- The icon depicts the invisible glory and identity of Jesus: though his halo and through the scroll he holds – symbolizing Holy Wisdom.
- Behind Christ – His disciples follow
- Apostles are in deep conversation – filled with wonder and apprehension.
- Christ is shown turning back to the Apostles, as if encouraging them to continue.
- Out of the gates come the Hebrews who had gathered to celebrate the Passover – “Hosanna to the Son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest.”
- Children are breaking off branches from the palms and laying them at before Christ’s donkey – while others are laying their clothes before him.
- Underneath the clothes of the children are white robes – emphasizing their purity and innocence.
- A child is pulling a thorn from the foot of another – the thorn was picked up from climbing the palms – road to holiness is not easy.
It would be wonderful if you could make arrangements to visit the Greek Orthodox in Des Moines - St. George Greek Orthodox Church - 1110 35th St; 515-277-0780/
But if you cannot, you might find this virtual tour of a Greek Orthodox Church in Ohio very interesting. Click HERE.
But if you cannot, you might find this virtual tour of a Greek Orthodox Church in Ohio very interesting. Click HERE.